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What type of student/worker are you?

Writer's picture: snapmagsnapmag

Story by Maria Catherine Isabel Garcia

Are you the type who gets the work done by morning? Or are you the type who gets to work only at night? Are one of those people who do not have any interest in starting your work before you've even had breakfast? Or maybe you are one of those people who only start doing things when the deadline is near?

The only way for you to know for sure is to read this article to classify for yourself which type of worker are you.

Person A: Morning Larks

Are you the type of person who thinks it is easier to do reports, papers and requirements early morning after you’ve woken up? Do you feel like you are more productive when you do things in the morning? Because if your answer is yes, then maybe you are a Morning Lark!

A Morning Lark finds it easier to work on his requirements at morning, right after waking up. He thinks more creatively because his mind is still fresh from sleep and his body has a lot of energy because he hasn’t been stressed by a busy day at work/in school.

Thinking of a solution to your problem is best done in the morning, for your mind is still fresh, and at the peak of its creativity, unlike when you think about your problems at night, when your brain can no longer comprehend what was going on around you because you are too tired from work to think.

Morning Larks prefer doing things early morning rather that late at night.

Person B: Night Owls

Instead of waking up early to do your work, are you the type who spends the day idling and waits for the night to fall before working? Are you the type who finds it more motivating and easier to work at night when everyone is asleep instead of in the day where everyone is awake?

Because if you do, then you are a Night Owl! Night owls are the complete opposite of morning larks. They cannot wake up early, which makes it more impossible for them to work right after waking up. They do not feel motivated at all to do their work during day time, but are more energized to do it at night.

Student Night Owls prefer to do their papers late at night when all the others are already preparing to go to sleep. They say that it is better to write at night because the experiences they have had and the lessons learned during the day are a good reference when writing. For Night Owls who are already working, working at night is better because they already had their warm-up during the day at work. They also believe that it is better to work at night while their mind is still on “working mode”.

Some Night Owls also enjoy working on their requirements at night because it is quieter and the temperature is colder, making it easier to work.

Doing things late at night are what Night Owls do the best

Person C: Energy Seeker

You are the type of person who can only start working after you had your first cup of coffee/tea/milk/hot chocolate, or basically whatever you have been craving, be it a drink, a snack, or a full meal.

There’s no need for you to be shy! Working doesn't need to be strictly done in the morning or at night. Sometimes, all you ever need is to have that first bite of what you are craving for, to give you energy to start working.

Energy seekers are basically the type of people that are not bothered by the time of the day. They can work in the morning or at night, but they cannot start their work if they don’t get a taste of what they like. Their source of knowledge, motivation and energy comes from the first sip of their drink or the first bite of their food. Energy Seekers are not hard to deal with, because all they need to be able to start working is food.

A sip of coffee is equals to productivity!

PERSON D: Procrastinators

Are you the type who only starts doing things an hour away before the deadline? The epitome of "due today, do today"?

For Procrastinators, there is no such thing as morning or night or a cup of coffee to start, because true Procrastinators only start doing their job when they are nearing the deadline.

They find it easier to do papers when they procrastinate because there are a lot more ideas rushing into their mind compared to when they try to do things in advance. For them, procrastinating works like a magic, but more likely it was just my adrenaline acting up, which helps me to get things done faster. But even so, I just can’t get enough of the feeling of excitement, fear and the tension when I have a deadline approaching me.

I tried, for several times now, to stop myself from procrastinating, but maybe “trying” is not enough. I can’t seem to get enough of the feeling that I was racing with the deadline.

But I can’t help it! it’s not fun, but at the same time, I can’t stop myself from doing it!

Do it late and you will surely procrastinate

How about you? What type are you? Are you one of the Morning Larks, Night Owls, Energy seeker or are you a procrastinator, too? Let us know by putting down a comment below!!!!

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